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Although Solent Airport Daedalus is designated as Class G airspace, the airport is surrounded by residential communities and so we ask all pilots to be considerate towards our neighbours when using the airport.
We have defined a Noise Sensitive Area and urge pilots to watch our two circuit route videos, to ensure you are approaching the airport using the most effective route and not overflying residential communities, wherever possible.
Following these circuit routes will reduce any need to make inflight visual checks of the housing below and any unnecessary adjustments to your track at a crucial time in the flight.
Due to the close proximity of residential areas it is essential for the airport to operate in a considerate manner. Please observe the noise sensitive areas as much as reasonably possible to help us maintain our good neighbourly relationship. However, Flight safety always comes first and overrides considerations of the Noise Sensitive Area.
As a responsible Airport we are extremely keen to maintain positive relations with our neighbours. Acknowledging the NSA’s will reduce disturbance to local residents and minimise the need for complaints - some of which we are aware are now being sent to pilots directly, as well as to the airport – and will ensure the airport can continue to contribute positively to both the flying and local communities.
Watch the videos here.
Read our recent Noise Contour Report here.
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